The Palace provides compassionate long-term care in Alexandria, Ontario
What We Provide
Recreational services are available to all residents of The Palace. Activities are meant to be fun, designed to get the resident involved with others and give them the chance to try new things. Special activities for Alzheimer’s residents are provided to motivate them and preserve their independence. One-on-one or small group and evening activities are available.
Activities are provided to maintain optimal levels of functioning in the physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and social aspects for all individuals residing in our home. The main goal in our recreation program is to ensure all feel a measure of success in any endeavor they are involved in. Some of the activities include:

Unique painting/art program

Men’s clubs


Parties/special events

Community outings
Our volunteers come from all walks of life. They are special people who choose to contribute their time, energy and special skills to the residents that live here. Their participation in our home greatly enriches the lives of our residents.
Contact Us Today
Questions about The Palace? Interested in taking a tour? We can help. Complete the following form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.
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